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- Create Date May 6, 2020
- Last Updated May 6, 2020
Ramallah, Palestine, 4 May 2020—Under an EU-funded project “Achieving Planning and Land Rights in Area C, West Bank – Palestine (2019-2023)”, UN-Habitat and its national partner, Land and Water Settlement Commission (LWSC) published a new newsletter targeting land issues in the West Bank, with focus on Area C. Area C represents 60 per cent of the land in the West Bank and is home to more than 300,000 Palestinians. Israel retains control of security and local development related functions, including planning and land management.
The “Land Issues in the West Bank” newsletter is a quarterly publication that focuses on highlighting the main developments and progress attained under the joint cooperation between UN-Habitat, LWSC, and the EU that ultimately aims at promoting inclusive and sustainable economic development within a better functioning Palestinian democracy and improve social and economic condition of Palestinian communities in Area C of the West Bank.
This issue of the newsletter is prepared in both Arabic and English languages, and covers the main highlights of the project for the period between December 2019 and February 2020, including land settlement progress, land valuation estimations, and some guidelines for the community members to support the land settlement processes in Palestine.
The first issue of the newsletter was published in December 2019, and it focused on the land settlement processes in Palestine, the main achievements of the LWSC, and the support provided by UN-Habitat to LWSC.
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