Climate change remains a pressing global issue with far-reaching consequences that are profoundly impacting both life and land. At present, the global crisis lies at the...
In light of the first convening of the Open-Ended Intergovernmental Expert Working Group in December 2024 in Nairobi, France and Kenya with support from UN-Habitat will...
The Government of Morocco is hosting the Third Arab Land Conference in Rabat on the 18-20 February 2025. The Conference is organized by the Ministry of National...
Monitoring land tenure security is essential for promoting sustainable development and social equity. Reliable data on land ownership and rights. Reliable data on land...
The “Policy Directions: Housing, Land and Property Solutions to Resolve and Prevent Displacement” was developed by UN-Habitat and the Global Land Tool Network with the...
The Legislative and Administrative Land and Property Rights Framework – Lebanon report deals with the core functions of land management and administration: land tenure...
Partner Publications
This publication is third of the series In Defense of Land Rights which examines land conflicts in Asia that affect local communities. Using a common monitoring framework...
Despite the recognized importance of land rights for sustainable development, the land agenda has been overlooked in recent SDG reporting of governments. Official SDG...
This publication summarizes the discussions at the Asian regional workshop on “Monitoring of lands under conflict – incidence, drivers, and impacts” held on 26 to 27...