Habitat for Humanity International, University of Twente/ ITC Netherlands and Cadasta Foundation, Global Land Tool Network partners, are jointly organizing the first Strengthening Land Tenure Secure for Disaster Resilience training course. The course is part of the Asia-Pacific Housing Forum that will be held from September 16-19, 2019 in Bangkok, Thailand and is aimed at strengthening the understanding of pre-disaster options for land tenure administration that can facilitate post-disaster housing recovery. It will also promote improved understanding of land management policies, regulations and tools that are risk-sensitive and focused on disaster risk reduction and mitigation- in order to improve the resilience of the more vulnerable members of society. Case studies that examine land tenure issues after natural disasters from the Asia-Pacific region and globally will also be presented.
The theme of the Asia-Pacific Regional Housing Forum is “Powering Collaboration for Housing Impact,” and will gather global pioneers in housing, urban planning and sustainable development. The Forum will feature several GLTN partners who will highlight the value of safe, adequate and affordable housing where secure land tenure is central.