
Consultations on joint publication on land and human rights: ‘FAQs on Land and Human Rights (Fact Sheet)’

Date: December 1, 2023
Time: 12:00 am - 12:00 am
Location: Virtual (Geneva time)

OHCHR, FAO and UN-Habitat invites you to an online consultation in relation to an upcoming joint publication on land and human rights, entitled “Frequently Asked Questions on Land and Human Rights (Fact Sheet)”.

This publication, which is part of OHCHR’s Human Rights Fact Sheet series, aims to provide a comprehensive guide of the normative framework related to land and human rights and thereby clarify the legal provisions and scope related to land and human rights.

The publication sets out to outline what a human rights-based approach to land-related issues entails as well as to inform its readers of challenges and opportunities related to the use of land and its impacts on human rights for a variety of groups and persons in vulnerable situations.

Date: Friday 1st December 2023
2 time slots (Geneva time GMT+1): 09:00-10:00, 17:00-18:00
RSVP: and indicate preferred time slot

RSVP will get you an appropriate meeting link and the draft outline of the publication.