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- Create Date March 18, 2020
- Last Updated March 18, 2020
"Women’s land and property rights are increasingly understood as an important driver of economic growth and social development, as well as being critical to human rights for women. Growing evidence confirms that women’s land and property rights lead to important social and economic outcomes for women and their families.
Yet around the world, women remain significantly disadvantaged with regard to their land rights. Even when they are recognized as the primary users or workers on the land, they often lack
ownership or control of the land or its economic outputs.
This review of the available evidence on women’s land and property rights is aimed at identifying opportunities and needs for additional research. It is based on a review of online literature and academic databases and discussions with global and national actors—practitioners, researchers, and activists.
We propose a way forward for research that will inform practice and ultimately close the gender gap and improve economic and social outcomes for men and women around the world".
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