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- Create Date March 23, 2019
- Last Updated September 23, 2021
Achieving equitable and secure land tenure for all people, especially for women and girls, requires a change in mind-set to deliver accessible, affordable and adaptable land governance methods and tenure options. Moreover, it requires a new level of engagement and understanding that within the group of women and girls, there is significant diversity of background, experience, challenges and opportunity.
Despite prevailing economic and political views, it is now understood that, depending on context, land tenure options other than individual ownership can be stronger, easier to administer and more appropriate, with community or group rights among the range of appropriate and legitimate options. The potential for positive change is expanding. It is now time to drive results to scale, achieving gender equality in land tenure and securing land rights for women across the globe.
This framework note provides firstly, an overview for understanding the diversity of women in relation to the idea of women’s multiple identities and how it provides pathways for secure and equal land rights for women. Secondly, a preview of the tool to be developed for its application. Suggestions on next steps for activity planning, fundraising and implementation of the concept of women’s multiverse are offered, with illustrations of how the initiative builds on current GLTN tools such as the Continuum of Land Rights and the Gender Evaluation Criteria to
understand women’s access to land and tenure security.
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