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- Create Date September 9, 2016
- Last Updated September 9, 2016
LANDac CMM Conference Call for Abstracts
Netherlands Academy on Land Governance for Equitable and Sustainable Development (LANDac), a GLTN Partner, in collaboration with Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) and IDS-Utrecht University are calling for papers and panel proposals.
The selected papers will be presented at the “CLIMATE CHANGE INTERVENTIONS AS A SOURCE OF CONFLICT, COMPETING CLAIMS AND NEW MOBILITIES - Increasing the resilience of communities and cities in the South” conference scheduled for 24-25 November 2016 in Ultrecht, the Netherlands.
This conference aims to better understand the impacts of climate change-related investments, exploring how to prevent and resolve conflicts, in cities as well as in urbanizing and rural areas.
The conference topics and themes are:
- Climate Change, conflict and violence
- Climate Change, (new) partnerships, alliances and cooperation
- Migration and new mobilities
- Access to land and climate change
- Large-scale investment in infrastructure
- Climate Change and Habitat III – the New Urban Agenda
- Urban resilience
- Climate Change and the SDGs
- Community-based adaptation
- Nature conservation and REDD++
- Climate action in dryland areas
- Climate Change, land subsidence and flooding
- Risk and disasters – dealing with the unexpected
- Climate finance mechanisms in practice
- Knowledge production and policy claims in Climate Change
NB: Other related topics are also welcomed.
Interested participants can send their abstract of no more than 300 words to landac.geo@uu.nl indicating “CCMCC Conference” on or before 25th September 2016. Submissions should be written in English and should include: title; name and affiliation of all authors; and full contact details of presenter(s). A selection committee will review all submissions and make a final decision of which you will be notified by 21st October 2016.
More information is available here: Call for abstracts
Further information:
www.landgovernance.org | www.nwo.nl/en