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- Create Date November 28, 2007
- Last Updated September 20, 2017
Institutional Harmonisation Processes in the Kenyan Land Sector
A Case Study of the Time Period 2003–2007
UN-HABITAT recognises the need for better knowledge compilation and exchange on land issues and harmonisation alignment coordination (HAC). Through the Global Land Tool Network initiative UN-HABITAT commissioned this case study on institutional harmonisation in the Kenyan land sector. The objectives of the study were to chronologically document institutional harmonisation processes in the Kenyan land sector between 2003 and 2007, to describe challenges experienced and to analyse the roles of different partners as well as the methodologies and tools used to foster HAC processes.
The analysis of tools was carried out considering GLTN core values such as gender, equity, governance, affordability and a pro-poor orientation. The study provides recommendations for future activities in the Kenyan land sector. It also gives options for UN-HABITAT and the GLTN to strengthen HAC processes in member countries. The study’s findings and recommendations also inform the development of guidelines for institutional harmonisation processes, which will be disseminated by the GLTN among network members. (Guideliens are available on this website)
Author: Erika Lind
Reviewed by: Szilard Friscka, Ulrik Westman, Remy Sietchiping, Godje Bialluch
Sponsors: The Norwegian Government and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida).