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- Create Date September 26, 2018
- Last Updated October 9, 2018
Framework for Costing and Financing Land Administration Services (CoFLAS)
The Global Land Tool Network (GLTN) is committed to promoting pro-poor land policies, legislative processes, land administration systems and procedures. The Framework for Costing and Financing of Land Administration Services (CoFLAS) is a decision-support tool for land administration which provides a series of templates to identify the core needs and necessary investment for land reform processes. The outcome of a CoFLAS assessment is a series of reports that guide decision making related to land reform, identify the cost implications of decisions and support fit-for-purpose approaches. This Framework provides a practical implementation guidance for implementing land administration reforms particularly in developing countries.
Authors: Tony Burns, Kate Fairlie (Land Equity International)
Coordinator(s): Danilo Antonio, Solomon Haile, Rebecca Ochong
Editing: Victoria Quinlan
Technical and Editorial Support: Rebecca Ochong and Hellen Nyamweru Ndungu
Design and Layout: Stefanie Freccia, Eugene Papa (UNON Publishing Services Section) and Lucy Cherogony (UNON Publishing Services Section)
Sponsors: The Governments of the Netherlands, Norway, and the Swedish International Cooperation Agency (Sida)