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- Create Date November 8, 2016
- Last Updated November 8, 2016
6th GLTN Partners Meeting Presentations
The 6th Partners’ Meeting of the Global Land Tool Network was successfully held in Nairobi from 3rd to 5th November 2015. This biennial event all saw the 70 Partners of the network as well as other stakeholders in the land sector across the world gather at the UN Complex in Gigiri, Nairobi, Kenya; to deliberate on various issues affecting the network and the land sector general.
The overall objectives of the meeting were to;
- Strengthen partnership and collaboration.
- Increase the visibility of land and tenure security in the ongoing global development processes.
The specific objectives were:
- Review and see how to fast-track the development of GLTN tools;
- Review and see how to enhance country level implementation;
- Agree on a strategy to increase the visibility of the land and tenure security issues and of the GLTN agenda in the ongoing global development processes;
- Improve collaboration and coordination between Clusters and Partners for improved delivery, report achievements of the last two years and plan for the upcoming biennium under the lead of the newly elected IAB members; and
- Take stock of the progress made in the implementation of the GLTN Phase 2 programme.
The following list of presentations made during the partners meeting are available for download:
- Meeting Objectives
- GLTN Country and Regional Work
- GLTN Bilateral and Multilateral Cluster Report
- GLTN Research Cluster Report and Workplan
- GLTN Rural Cluster Report
- GLTN MultiCluter Workplan
- GLTN Professional Cluster Presentation
- CSO Urban Cluster Report
- Group work - Conflict Land Tools
- GLTN Monitoring and Evaluation Presentation
- Global Development Processes
- Habitat III - Land and Tenure security in the gloaldevelopment processes
- GLTN - Change Model at Country Level
- Latest thinking on GLTN Land Tools