After having developed the Framework and Guidelines on land policy in Africa, and got the mandate from the AU to use it in support of national and regional land policy processes, the LPI is now moving toward assisting AU member states in developing or reviewing their land policies as well as in implementing and evaluating these policies. In this regard, the LPI Secretariat is tasked to make available land related information, to build the capacity of member states and other stakeholders in using the F&G, and to improve networking and lesson sharing among African experts across the continent.
Objectives of LPI
- Galvanize partners’ efforts toward the accomplishment of the African agenda on Land Policy, as stated on the Declaration on Land
- Networking and knowledge sharing
- Dialogues on land related issues (all levels)
- Synergy of action (regional level)
- Progress tracking
Mobilize resources (LPI) for:
- Research
- Capacity building
- Advocacy
- Advisory services
- Land policy processes
Advocate for use of F&G in land policy development and implementation
- Participatory, transparent and consultative land policy processes
Governance Structure of LPI
The Governance structured of the LPI has been established to provide African ownership to the programme, guarantee inclusiveness of African stakeholders in the process, and ensure accountability in the implementation of related activities. It includes:
- The consortium
- The steering committee
- The representatives of RECs
- The African Task Force on Land
- The LPI secretariat
To find out more about LPI, please click here