We are very pleased to announce that the Spanish General Directorate for Cadastre (SGDC), part of Spain’s Finance Ministry, has joined GLTN!
The Spanish General Directorate for Cadastre (SGDC) is responsible of creation, maintenance and diffusion of the cadastral data either directly or in collaboration with local authorities and other public entities. The Directorate is also responsible for providing a basis for tax estimates on real estate and land.

SDGC carries out its functions through its Central head office in Madrid, 15 Regional offices and 56 provincial offices. The Directorate has evolved from being a government tax collection and a real estate security service to being a socially valuable tool. The data it collects is used in an increasing number of new services. It is also a pioneer public sector organization through its facilitation of access and re-use of its PSI for free for both commercial and non-commercial purposes.
SDGC works in collaboration with many other organizations. It is a member of Permanent Committee of the Cadastre in the European Union (PCC) www.eurocadastre.org, and member Permanent Committee of the Cadastre in Ibero-America (CPCI) www.catastrolatino.org and in several working groups of the organization EuroGeographic Www.eurogeographics.org. where its representative is a member of Management Board of this organization.
SDGC has long experience in international collaboration with several countries through different projects. Some of them focus on technical cooperation and others on supporting the design of cadastral models and the fortification of the institutions in charge of their implantation.
SDGC participles in other groups as the United Nations Committee of Experts on Global Geospatial Information Management (UN-GGIM) for Europe http://un-ggim-europe.org/, and in the l Expert Group on Land Administration and Management (UN-GGIM LA) and in the el Working Party on Land Administration Comity of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE-WPLA) http://www.unece.org/housing-andland-management/
The Spanish Directorate General for Cadastre is very pleased to be joining GLTN and is keen to contribute to the strategic objectives of the Phase 3. Likewise, GLTN welcomes the Spanish Directorate General for Cadastre and looks forward to a fruitful collaboration.