Realizing women’s rights to land and other productive resources – See more at: The 2013 Conservation and Land Grabbing Symposium was jointly organised by IIED, ILC, the Zoological Society of London (ZSL) and Maliasili Initiatives, with funding from UKaid. The symposium aimed to examine the interactions between conservation and land rights in a variety of global contexts and encourage more strategic engagement by the conservation movement in land rights and tenure concerns , highlighting different models that can be used to secure or strengthen local land rights, and the potential role of conservation in combatting ‘land grabbing’ thus benefitting both conservation and development. The symposium was attended by over 80 international participants, drawn from different sectors including both conservation and development organisations, researchers and government staff. Presentations were given from the perspective of individual country contexts (in Asia, Africa and Latin America), as well from global or thematic angles.The report summarises the presentations, discussions and outcomes of the event.