While there are diverse efforts to improve situation of land tenure all around the world, the challenge in recording and sharing the information remain. However, with the progressive development of the Social Tenure Domain Model (STDM) tool, one of GLTN’s pro-poor tools, progress is being made in addressing this challenge in Land administration.
This was an observation made at the just-concluded workshop on Social Tenure Domain Model (STDM) tool in Kampala Uganda which saw more than 40 participants of various nationalities in attendance acquire an appreciation for the tool for possible adoption and roll out.
The participants drawn from Mozambique, Kenya, Ghana, Burkina Faso, Colombia, USA, Senegal, Rwanda and Uganda, toured the Nakawa settlement within Kampala for a hands-on experience in data gathering as part of the Social Tenure Domain Model approach through the use of GPS for mapping data collection, settlement profiling and household enumeration processes and later taken through the technical aspects of the tool.
The current version supports explicit mapping of social tenure relationship from enumeration survey and profiling data. Moving forward, the tool is slated to accommodate a package suited for slum upgrading, recording of customary tenure among other country applications.
The tremendous improvement of STDM since its prototype days goes to show that the tool has matured for broader testing. Currently, a national wide application of the tool is in progress in Uganda where the tool was first piloted in 2012. The commissioner for urban development in Uganda attended the event.
Caption: Susana Rojas Williams of Habitat for Humanity learns how to use STDM tool assisted by Daniel Woniala, left, during the learning event in Kampala, Uganda. Looking on is GLTN’s John Gitau.