GLTN Publications

Land, Environment and Climate Change: Challenges, Responses and Tools

Land, Environment and Climate Change: Challenges, Responses and Tools

environmentThis publication provides an overview of some the most important land-related environmental and climate change problems that the world is facing. Land, Environment and Climate Change offers an overview of the relationship between land tenure, land management approaches and the environment.

This document identifies clear linkages between land, environment and climate change, moving from a scientific framework to a country level implementation framework. The implications this has in urban and rural areas are presented, and illustrated with 20 brief cases. This global overview of key environmental and climate change issues related to land use, land administration, land management and land tenure offers timely material and land tools for land professionals, environmental practitioners, and planners.

The report identifies opportunities, gaps and priority research areas and critical land tools for action at local, sub-national, national, regional and global levels. Readers will find in this publication action-oriented suggestions for new research, land tool development, advocacy, resource mobilisation, and coordination.

Principal authors: Stein Holden (Norwegian University of Life Sciences), Remy Sietchiping

Contributors: Sharif Ahmed, Clarissa Augustinus, Raf Tuts and Humphrey Ngoiya (for a list of E-Forum discussion contributors see inside back cover)

Sponsors: Norwegian Government, Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency

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